Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery
Overview Research Data STAR Investigators FAQ Contact


The STAR data encompass multiple rounds of household data. Beginning in 2005 with STAR1, the surveys cover households originally located in 13 kabupaten (administrative districts) with coastlines potentially vulnerable to inundation from the 2004 tsunami. We resurveyed STAR1 respondents annually for 4 more years after the tsunami (STAR2-STAR5), and collected a 10-year follow-up survey (STAR6) in 2015-2016. The original frame for STAR was the 2004 SUSENAS, collected by the Indonesian Bureau of Statistics.

Household Data

In STAR1-STAR6, we collected information on socio-demographic and economic characteristics of households and individuals, including expenditures, income from wages and from farm and non-farm businesses, asset ownership, access to credit, use of health care, health status, and family formation and fertility.

In light of the unique shock experienced by many STAR respondents, we designed special questions to capture the fullest possible picture of the immediate and longer-term effects of the tsunami. In STAR1 we focused particularly on understanding the immediate and short-term impacts of the tsunami, where necessary collecting retrospective information. We also asked about the destruction of assets subsequent to the tsunami, about disruption to social and family networks, and about the receipt and provision of assistance in the aftermath of the tsunami.

STAR's individual level modules include attitudes about risks and time preference; symptoms of post-traumatic stress, depression, and physical illness; self-assessments of health and use of health care; intentions regarding education, marriage and fertility; and short-term mobility and migration. In addition, starting in STAR2 we assessed physical health status with measures of height, weight, blood pressure, hemoglobin level, and waist to hip ratio, as well as collecting dried blood spots.

For STAR3 we modified the questionnaires, reducing questions already answered regarding the disaster's short term impact and adding retrospective histories of education, labor force participation, migration, marriage, and fertility. These additions help us establish pre-tsunami trends so that we can consider the extent to which behaviors or outcomes in the aftermath of the tsunami represent changes over the previous period. Cognitive assessments were added as well. In STAR3 and subsequent waves we asked a full battery of current status and retrospective questions to first-time respondents, including questions on the immediate impact of the tsunami. In STAR4-STAR6, panel respondents who had answered the history modules previously were asked only to update their histories.

As additional questionnaires and data become available, they will be accessible from this site.

Core documentation for STAR is provided in the document "STAR Study Design and Results". This document should be referenced in any paper using the STAR data and is available here.

    Household Survey
  (Click on link to download item)  
Wave Field dates Questionnaires and Documentation Codebooks Survey data
(Eng/Bahasa Indonesia)
1 2005-2006 QxHH1  QxHH1 (IND) CBK1 HH1
2 2006-2007 QxHH2  QxHH2 (IND) CBK2 HH2
3 2007-2008 QxHH3 CBK3 HH3
4 2008-2009 QxHH4 CBK4 HH4
5 2009-2010 QxHH5 CBK5 HH5
6 2014-2015 QxHH6 CBK6 HH6
Download all available datasets and documentation                                        

Replication Data

Ralph Lawton, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Teresa Seeman, Eileen Crimmins, Cecep Sumantri, and Duncan Thomas,"Exposure to the Indian Ocean Tsunami shapes the HPA-axis resulting in HPA "burnout" 14 years later," 2023. Replication data files